Hi guys,
It's Naysa, and today we are going to be making some ' Fishie Buns.' I got this recipe from my dad. Me personally I think my dad is a great chef and he loves to try different combinations of food and most of the time it comes out yummy. So I say thanks a lot to my dad.
Right lets get going!

Smoked Skippers
Brioche Buns


  1. First we start with our brioche buns, we put the buns in the microwave for 5secs; to make it nice and warm.
  2. After warming our buns, we take our smoked Skippers and sliced it into chunks. When you have done that pop it inside the fridge.
  3. Then wash your lettuce and make thin slices.
  4. Now take your mayo and spread it evenly on your bun. You can now take your smoked Skippers out of the fridge and put that on top of the evenly spread mayo. Your washed lettuce now come in simply scatter it all over the Skippers. 
  5. Finally, put the other bun on top of the lettuce.
  6. Enjoy!
